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Fabio Colletti Barbosa

Farmer Name: Fabio Colletti Barbosa

Estate: Fazenda Nova Cintra

Altitude: 900m

Processing Method: Pulped Natural 

Certifications: RFA/UTZ

Coffee Varieties: Bourbon/Catuai

Raifalls average - annual: 1120mm

Total area: 220 hectares



Nova Cintra is a traditional coffee producing farm in the region of Espírito Santo do Pinhal, in the state of São Paulo. Although owned by the current owners for a little more than 15 years, its history stretches to three generations of family ancestors.


Attracted by the beauty of the region, the vegetation, the beautiful house and the coffee plantations, Ana Lúcia and Fabio Barbosa decided to acquire the farm in 1994. Initially conceived as a leisure option for the family on weekends, the property was gradually becoming a business.


The coffee culture became so involved that the family decided to establish themselves on the farm. Through investments and dedication, the original limits of the Nova Cintra have expanded as well as its crops. Coffee is no longer just their passion it has become the farm's raison d'etre.